big fat mama is a funkateering gang of six crazy young musicians who are mad about "a bit different sound".
Their lives, rich in stage experience, met at one point in order to produce a bit more of that " a bit different sound" .
by recalling old sounds with the help of modern toys, by making people laugh at their uncommonly stiff lylics and by shocking with unearthly looks, they fulfill the mission given to them by dr Funkenstein himself.
インターネットラジオ ラジオエーゲ海は、Japanインディーズサウンドはもちろんのこと、日本が大好きな世界のロックミューズ達、超レアアジアンインディーズサウンド、世界のインディーズサウンド、サイケデリック、テクノ、エレクトロ、ヒップホップ、ポップ・・
Internet Radio Radio Eigekai brings you hottest tunes from Japanese indie music scene, Rockin muses around the world, absolutely rare Asian indie sound scene, superb indie artists around the world and more and more. 24hrs 365 days. Pop, Techno, Psychedelic, Hip Hop Electro, Dance.........listen what you looking for here ! |
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